Every season we call for art and literature from creatives around the world, to showcase in our online edition. You can find out about our featured creatives below. And beneath that you can read this editions poetry and enjoy visual art pieces. Head over to our 'Articles & Fiction' section to read the longer prose pieces featured in this edition.
GIADA PIANON @pianon.giada
Giada Pianon lives and works in Italy. She has studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice and multimedia production at the University of Architecture IUAV.
AMBICA GOSSAIN @tryst_with_fiction
Ambica Gossain is a 43 year old poet based in Faridabad, India. Ambica is fortunate to be the two-time winner of the People’s Choice Award by A.B. Baird Publishing, and to have her work chosen for several of their other competition anthologies. Additionally, she was invited to be part of their exclusive invitation anthology called Like Frost On The Winter Garden featuring a collection of thirty of her poems. Her work is more recently showcased in Arboreal Magazine and Sunday Mornings at the River’s anthology Poetry Diary 2024. Her spiritual contributions to this journey have been in the way of a thriving Instagram poetry account @tryst_with_fiction and founding a poetry feature page @heartofquill to support and energize the large and diverse poetry writing community and pay forward the help and support Ambica herself received from so many along the way.
BRAD BEAU COHEN @bradbeaucohen
Brad Beau Cohen's (he/him/they/them) is a queer writer from Guernsey now based in London. His work has appeared in fourteen poems, Versification, Fincham Press, The Hilbert Raum, SomoS Art House and catalogued by the BFI. His debut pamphlet, 'Sugar Water' was published by Soho City Books in 2023.
AMY LYNNE WESTRAY @amy.westray
Hello I'm Amy Lynne Westray (They/she). I am a queer theatre maker, cabaret artist, drag thing and excessive tea drinker. I have particular interest in physical theatre, spoken word and clowning.
RILEY WINCHESTER @rlywinchester
Riley Winchester is from Michigan. His essays and stories have appeared in Ligeia Magazine, Miracle Monocle, Litmora Literary Magazine, and various other publications. He's been nominated for some Pushcart Prizes and shortlisted in some contests, but he's never won anything.
EMMA WELLS @ewellswriting
Emma is a mother and English teacher. She has poetry published with various literary journals and magazines. She enjoys writing flash fiction and short stories also. Emma won Wingless Dreamer’s Bird Poetry Contest of 2022 and her short story entitled ‘Virginia Creeper’ was selected as a winning title by WriteFluence Singles Contest in 2021. Recently, she won Dipity Literary Magazine’s 2024 Best of the Net Nominations for Fiction with her short story entitled ‘The Voice of a Wildling’.
Elsa Nichols has enjoyed creative writing and poetry since she first discovered the written art form. After years away from writing, her creative tank has been refilled, and she's once more returned to processing the world around her through written (or typed) words. Elsa is a native of Eastern North Carolina, and is often found seeking outlets to express herself creatively. She has also ventured into modeling, photography, and graphic design.
Eren Jamieson (she/her) holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Miami University. Her writing has been published in over eighty literary magazines, including a Pushcart Prize nomination. She is the author of a poetry collection (Clothesline, 2023) and four poetry chapbooks. Her latest poetry chapbook, Fairytales, was published by Bottle Cap Press. Her debut novel, Sky of Ashes, Land of Dreams, will be published by Type Eighteen Books (November 2023).
My name is Marthe. I'm 27 and moved to London to study two years ago. In my spare time I love to write poems or work on a fantasy novel.
AZARIA CAMARGO @azariacamargo
Azaria Camargo (she/her) is a slightly unhinged but fun-loving wordsmith. When Azaria isn’t dreaming of new ways to disturb readers, she enjoys caring for her pet chickens and ducks at her humble home in Melbourne, Australia.
TAYLOR KAIGLER @taylorjilvaughn
I am an Entrepreneur, Poet, Model, Actress & Creative Mind that is always open to new possibilities and thinking of creative ways to better myself and the things I do for a living.
SARAH CLIF @sarahclif
Sarah Clif is a Queer writer and poet from London. She uses poetry to address issues that are often sidelined by mainstream media, and to reflect on the more complex aspects of her personal life, her experiences and her relationships.
ROSEMARY CHEA @illuroses
My name is Rosemary Chea aka illuroses. A tired illustrator who makes silly animal stickers, fanart and pretty illustrations to escape into.
"Nightly Anxiety" is a piece exactly as it's told. It encapsulates that tight, suffocating feeling wrapping around your heart as you lay to sleep, anxious about the incoming day, month, year. Should I stay awake? Should I sleep forever? A secret I hide away in a little, fragile jewellery box adorned with little joys.
Dila Toplusoy is an Istanbul-born poet whose work has appeared or is forthcoming in CERASUS, La Piccioletta Barca, Sky Island Journal, The Closed Eye Open, Briefly Zine, Needle Poetry, Papers Publishing and Amethyst Review, among others. She is a content editor at ARCCA Magazine and holds a first-class honours degree from University of the Arts London. You can find her on Instagram as @dilaquis.
ANGELA ARNOLD @AngelaArnold777
Angela Arnold lives in North Wales and is also an artist, creative gardener and environmental campaigner. She has been published in print magazines, anthologies and online, in the UK and elsewhere. First collection: In|Between (Stairwell Books, 2023).
KERRIE DRAGHI @redrosegrl
My name is Kerrie Draghi and I'm a feminist activist and writer from London. I like to write about things that make me angry.
YF WANG @yfwangst
YF Wang is an Economics and Linguistics student at Wellesley College. She has been recognized by the Claudia Ann Seaman Awards, the John Locke Institute, Bow Seat, and more.
Paul Brucker, a marketing communications writer, lives in Mt. Prospect, IL, “Where "Friendliness is a Way of Life." He put a lid on poetry writing when he went to the Northwestern University grad ad school in a questionable attempt to learn how to think like a businessman and secure a decent income. Nevertheless, he has succumbed to writing poetry again.

We accept submissions to t'ART online on a rolling basis and would love to see your work! Find out how to submit and what we are looking for here.