Submissions for our sell-out mini-journal series TRANS TONGUES are closed.
We are accepting flash fiction and prose of up to 1000 words, poetry and visual art created by trans and/or non-binary creatives. Find out more, and submit via the our submissions form, here.
Deadline: Midnight, 10th December

Submitting to TRANS TONGUES:
Submissions for Trans Tongues and t'ART magazine ISSUE NINE are CLOSED.
We accept submissions for t'ART online on a rolling basis which means they are always OPEN. We review them quarterly.
Submissions for t'ART Magazine are currently CLOSED. We will open submissions for the next issue on 7th February 2025.
What we are looking for:
We are looking for visual art and writing, from photography to sculpture, short stories to poetry and creative non-fiction. If it can be printed in a magazine then we'd love to see it. We accept 1 written piece (including poetry) with a wordcount of up to 2000 words, and up to 5 images in a series.
The theme for issue eight is 'Break / Mend'. Tell us stories of breaking, of mending. Let us into narratives that sit across fault lines, characters who fragment, endings that mend. Send us art in shards, art that has changed direction, reshaped itself after trauma, sewn itself new. Send us poetry and prose that fractures on the line, pulls itself to pieces, pauses in expected places. This theme is designed to inspire, not restrict. We are excited to spend time with whatever it means to you.
Buy a copy of Issue Eight here.
Submitting to t'ART Magazine:
Submitting to t'ART Online:
What we are looking for:
We are looking for poetry, short films, music videos, recordings of live shows, audio tracks, animation, design and visual art collections. We also accept short stories, creative non-fiction and essays for the 'Articles & Fiction' section on our website.
The details:
We will publish t'ART online on our website four times a year, once per season. We DO accept simultaneous submissions, and work that has been previously published elsewhere. For video submissions, please send us a link to the film on an accessible platform such as youtube or vimeo, or send us the file itself.
How to submit:
Please submit via the submission form below. If you would like to ask us a question about submission, can't use the submissions form provided or want to discuss an idea for a blog piece, then please don't hesitate to get in touch with us on