t'ART magazine: issue two
Welcome to t'ART Magazine. We print words, art and everything in between in a lovely bundle of 32 A4 pages. And we are really excited to open submissions for our second ever print issue.
We are looking for poetry, short stories, essays and visual art. For full details of how to submit please visit our submissions page here.
Each issue of t'ART magazine is themed. The theme for issue two is 'Cycles and Circles'. The theme is there for you to shape it into your own sense. From work that is full of circles, to work that touches on cyclical relationships, community, movement, the endless, the beginning and the end, we would love to see where this theme takes you.
We hope that this theme does not restrict but inspires. If you are unsure whether your work fits with the theme we would encourage you to submit anyway and we will let you know whether we are able to find a home for it.
We are accepting submissions from February 5th 2021 - March 12th 2021. We will let you know whether or not your work has been successful within a month of the entry deadline. The published magazine will be available to buy in May.